Community Pop-Up Recap & Emerging Trends

Hey Huntsville! It was great meeting some of you at our community pop-up events over the August long weekend. In chatting with folks, we learned what matters most to them in terms of community issues. Check out the photo of the priorities board we had at our event. Each sticker represents a person choosing their top priority.
So far, we're seeing three buckets emerge from the feedback:
Town infrastructure including investing in and maintaining roads, bike lanes and trail systems, parking, Town facilities, etc.
Community well-being including advocacy for local healthcare needs, accessibility to community programming services for all ages, creating more inclusive communities, etc.
Balanced growth including housing affordability and attainability, preserving the Town's heritage and identity, balancing growth and protecting the natural environment, etc.
Do these themes resonate with you? Have other thoughts? Be sure to have your voice heard by taking our Strategic Plan Survey by August 25, 2023!
Our Strategic Plan project is here! Thank you to everyone who contributed in the new Strategic Plan!