Have Your Say on the Draft Strategic Plan!
We have reached another important milestone in the development of Huntsville’s new Strategic Plan!
At the November Council Meeting, the Draft Strategic Plan was shared with Council for their consideration. The plan, which is based on community input, identifies key priorities and contains an updated vision for the Town of Huntsville.
Does the Draft Strategic Plan reflect your priorities?
Now we’re reaching back out to ensure the Draft Strategic Plan reflects key community priorities. From November 28 to December 12, 2023, please take the Draft Strategic Plan Survey to let us know if the plan reflects what matters most to you and where you think the Town should be headed in the future.
Want to learn more?
Review the Draft Strategic Plan to dig deeper into the goals and initiatives in each priority area.
What are the next steps for the Strategic Plan?
Following the final round of public feedback, the Town of Huntsville plans to finalize the new Strategic Plan at the January Council Meeting. Following adoption, the final plan will be shared with the community.
Stay tuned!
Our Strategic Plan project is here! Thank you to everyone who contributed in the new Strategic Plan!