Spring Thaw (Freshet)
Huntsville sees significant snowfall amounts during winter months, often resulting in spring flooding for residences in low lying areas. Awareness, planning and preparation are key to helping alleviate some of the after-math effects of a major storm or flooding situation.
News and Public Notices
Visit or subscribe to huntsville.ca/news to obtain year-round Town of Huntsville news. This is the primary communication method used to communicate press releases and updates during an emergency or crisis.
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Flooding - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where do I look for consistent Town communication during a flooding emergency?
- A: Visit or subscribe to huntsville.ca/news to obtain year-round Town of Huntsville news. This is the primary Town communication method used to communicate press releases and updates during an emergency or crisis. Social Media channels and sites will be utilized as a secondary communication channel.
Q: When can flooding happen in Huntsville?
- A: The spring thaw (freshet) depends on a variety of factors including the amount of water content in the snowpack, consistently warm temperatures and heavy precipitation in the form of rain. Flooding can occur around mid March into April, depending on the factors listed above. Best practice for emergency preparedness is to ensure you and your family are prepared year-round with over 72 hours worth of necessary supplies. Visit getprepared.ca for more information.
Q: How do I prepare for a potential flood in advance?
- A: During early spring when the snow begins to melt the chance of flooding is common. Visit the Emergency Planning page at huntsville.ca for useful links on how to prepare. Learn how you can protect your property with flood ready fixes at Canada.ca
Q: How/where do I get sandbags? Does the Town provide them?
- A: Sandbags are not provided by the Town. To be prepared, sandbags can be purchased at a variety of local home and hardware stores such as Canadian Tire, Home Depot and Walmart. Be prepared by purchasing early in the season for their availability will decrease in the event of a flood. Follow huntsville.ca/news in the event of a flood for updated information on emergency flood resources.
Q: How do I know if my drinking water is safe during/after a flood?
- A: Follow huntsville.ca/news in the event of a flood for updated information on emergency flood resources. Visit the local health unit year-round for water test kits and visit the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit water test page. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is located at 34 Chaffey St, Huntsville, ON P1H 1K1.