Weed to know facts about cannabis
Consultation has concluded

In Summer of 2018 the Province of Ontario modified its original plans for the retail sale of Cannabis in Ontario. Instead of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) running storefront locations in communities the Province of Ontario opted to allow for private enterprises to apply to squire a license to sell cannabis at a retail location.
The Province of Ontario recently announced that the issuance of cannabis retail storefront licences will occur in a phased fashion. The first phase will restrict the number of licences issued to 25. These licences will be issued through a lottery process that will be open to any business
Although the number of storefront licenses to be issued is smaller than anticipated, it is still expected these outlets will be open for business by April 1, 2019.
As part the process the Province provided Municipalities the opportunity to choose to allow licensed cannabis retail locations in their communities or choose to not allow them at all.
On December 12th, 2018 Huntsville Town Council voted in favor of allowing Provincially licensed Cannabis Retail locations within the Town.
Licensing and Enforcement
With the approval of O. Reg. 468.18, the Province has clarified that private cannabis retail businesses will be licensed and regulated by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). The regulation identifies locational requirements to protect youth, through a requirement of a 150-meter buffer area to separate cannabis stores from schools. No buffers for any other use is specified in the regulations.
Furthermore unless a retail store has a provincial licence, the Province will not permit the store to operate. As a result, a municipality cannot regulate the location of retail cannabis outlet through zoning, nor can it license such uses through its business licencing by-law.
As for public consumption, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has committed to enforce the Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA) as it relates to cannabis. Outside of the SFOA, municipalities are able to pass more restrictive By-laws to meet public expectations, although to do so requires input from the OPP.
Licensing - Phase 1
During the initial phase of the licensing process, licenses will not be issued to businesses wishing to operate in a community under 50,000.00 people. Due to this it is anticipated Huntsville will not see a licensed retail location within the Community for the foreseeable future.