Healthy Huntsville

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Consultation has concluded

Make a promise to walk downtown or park a few blocks away when you visit Main Street this summer. By taking the #HealthyHuntsville pledge you are showing your commitment to this initiative, getting active and enjoying Huntsville's Main Street.

Did we mention you can also win PRIZES!

Check out our Participant Guiding FAQs to learn all about Healthy Huntsville and how you can enter to win. Then Take the Pledge and start walking around our beautiful town, taking photos as you go!

Make a promise to walk downtown or park a few blocks away when you visit Main Street this summer. By taking the #HealthyHuntsville pledge you are showing your commitment to this initiative, getting active and enjoying Huntsville's Main Street.

Did we mention you can also win PRIZES!

Check out our Participant Guiding FAQs to learn all about Healthy Huntsville and how you can enter to win. Then Take the Pledge and start walking around our beautiful town, taking photos as you go!

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Photo and Location Share

over 5 years

Pin the location of where you parked, walked or took a ride on the transit to, in downtown Huntsville. Then upload a photo to share with us. This will gain you an entry to our prize draw.

For each submission you will get one (1) entry to win a prize. Read the Participant Guiding FAQs.

Go a step further (pardon the pun) and share your photo on social media by tagging @townofhuntsville Facebook or Twitter with hashtag #healthyhuntsville.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded