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Over the years the Town of Huntsville has identified a need to improve the pedestrian network in the community.
Some of the strategic goals developed from the Municipality's strategic Plan was to prepare a multi-year sidewalk capital plan and improve pedestrian linkages throughout the Town. These goals are embodied in the Strategic Plan under Roads and Infrastructure, Transportation, objectives RdINF 1.5 & 1.6.
The purpose of this plan is to identify existing infrastructure, develop a plan for major sidewalks, minor sidewalks, multi-use pathways and set standards for future growth.
The goals of the Town of Huntsville’s Sidewalk Master Plan are:
Enhance sidewalk network including but not limited to; adding new sidewalks, connect existing disjointed sidewalks, removal of abandoned sidewalks, future removal of non-warranted sidewalks, connection to trails, and upgrade undersized sidewalks.
Plan and establish a network of major sidewalks throughout the Municipality to facilitate planning of future sidewalks in and among neighbourhoods.
Improve walkability and safety for Pedestrians walking throughout the municipality students travelling to/from school
Expand connectivity to community facilities (trails, parks schools, etc.) for residents.
Improve community walkability and disabled persons’ accessibility to sidewalk network. AODA Compliant.
Integration of crosswalks where required and AODA Compliant.
Create a framework for implementing sidewalk construction and project prioritization.
Reduce maintenance costs.
Sidewalk planning and coordination with the Downtown Master Plan and Capital Improvement Plan.
Over the years the Town of Huntsville has identified a need to improve the pedestrian network in the community.
Some of the strategic goals developed from the Municipality's strategic Plan was to prepare a multi-year sidewalk capital plan and improve pedestrian linkages throughout the Town. These goals are embodied in the Strategic Plan under Roads and Infrastructure, Transportation, objectives RdINF 1.5 & 1.6.
The purpose of this plan is to identify existing infrastructure, develop a plan for major sidewalks, minor sidewalks, multi-use pathways and set standards for future growth.
The goals of the Town of Huntsville’s Sidewalk Master Plan are:
Enhance sidewalk network including but not limited to; adding new sidewalks, connect existing disjointed sidewalks, removal of abandoned sidewalks, future removal of non-warranted sidewalks, connection to trails, and upgrade undersized sidewalks.
Plan and establish a network of major sidewalks throughout the Municipality to facilitate planning of future sidewalks in and among neighbourhoods.
Improve walkability and safety for Pedestrians walking throughout the municipality students travelling to/from school
Expand connectivity to community facilities (trails, parks schools, etc.) for residents.
Improve community walkability and disabled persons’ accessibility to sidewalk network. AODA Compliant.
In order to complete this review, please help us by completing the following short survey and provide comments as you see fit.
Survey closes February 19, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
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All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.